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It is broadly classified into Conventional energy  is in practice for long duration of time and well established technology is available to tap and use them. e.g. Coal, oil, natural gas, hydro power, nuclear power etc. Non-conventional energy source can be used with advantage for power generation as well as other applications in a large number of locations and situations. These energy sources cannot be easily stored and used conveniently. E.g. Solar, wind, tidal and geothermal etc. Based upon nature, energy sources are classified as Renewable energy sources  are inexhaustible and are renewed by nature itself. Solar, wind, tidal, hydro and biomass are few examples. Non-renewable energy sources  are exhaustible within a definite period of time depending upon its usage. Fossil fuels (coal, oil, gas) and nuclear fuels are few examples.


The plasma chambers suspend the silicon and the phosphorus or boron molecules in a gaseous state. This mixture is pushed into a chamber which has electrodes at the top and bottom. When the electrodes are charged an electric field is produced between them. The electric field removes some of the electrons from the mixture so creating a gas of positively charged ions, a plasma. A stainless steel or glass sheet with an indium/tin oxide layer is passed into the chamber and between the electrodes. The plasma-like gas deposits charged particles on to the uncharged surface of the steel or glass substrate. Depending upon the chemical nature of the gaseous mixture fed into the chamber, one of the three layers which make up the photovoltaic cell will be formed. The thickness of the layers depends on the speed at which the sub state passes through the chamber, and the size of the chamber.


In solid dielectrics, highly purified and free of imperfections, the breakdown strength is high, of the order of 10 MV/cm. The highest breakdown strength obtained under carefully controlled conditions is known as the "intrinsic strength" of the dielectric. Dielectrics usually fail at stresses well below the intrinsic strength due usually to one of the following causes. (a) Electro-mechanical breakdown. (b) Breakdown due to internal discharges. (c) Surface breakdown (tracking and erosion). (d) Thermal breakdown. (e) Electro chemical breakdown. (f) Chemical deterioration.


Almost no complete electrical insulation consists of one insulating phase. Usually more than one insulating material will be involved, either in series, parallel or both. The simplest form of composite insulation system consists of 2 layers of the same material. In this case advantage is taken of the fact that two thin sheets have a higher electric strength than a single sheet of the same total thickness. In other cases, composite dielectrics occur either due to design considerations (ex: paper with an impregnating liquid) or due to practical difficulties of fabrication (ex: air in parallel with solid insulation). In certain cases, the behavior of the composite insulation could be predicted from the behavior of the components. But in most cases, the system as whole has to be considered. The following considerations determine the performance of the system as a whole. (i) The stress distribution at different parts of the insulation system is distorted due to the component dielectric cons...


Since no insulant is completely free of ions, a leakage current will flow when an electric field is applied. The ions may arise from dissociation of impurities or from slight ionisations of the insulating material itself. When these ions reach the electrodes, reactions occur in accordance with Faraday's law of electrolysis, but on a much smaller scale. The insulation and the electrode metal may be attacked, gas may be evolved or substance may be deposited on the electrodes. The products of the electrode reaction may be chemically or electrically harmful and in some cases can lead to rapid failure of the insulation. The reactions are much slower than in normal electrolytic processes due to the much smaller currents. The products of the reactions may be electrically and chemically harmful because the insulation and electrodes may be attacked, and because harmful gases may be evolved. Typically a 1 F paper capacitor operating at 1 kV at room temperature would require 2 to 3 years to g...


Surface flashover Surface flashover is a breakdown of the medium in which the solid is immersed. The role of the solid dielectric is only to distort the field so that the electric strength of the gas is exceeded. If a piece of solid insulation is inserted in a gas so that the solid surface is perpendicular to the equipotentials at all points, then the voltage gradient is not affected by the solid insulation. An example of this is a cylindrical insulator placed in the direction of a uniform field. Field intensification results if solid insulation departs even in detail from the cylindrical shape. In particular if the edges are chipped, or if the ends of the cylinder are not quite perpendicular to the axis, then an air gap exists next to the electrode, and the stress can reach up to 0r times the mean stress in the gap. Discharge may therefore occur at a voltage approaching 1/0r times the breakdown voltage in the absence of the cylinder, and these discharges can precipitate a breakdown....


(a) Removal of dust Small dust particles can become charged and cause local stresses which can initiate breakdown. They can also coalesce to form conducting bridges between electrodes. Careful filtration can remove dust particles greater in size than 1 m. The strength of the liquid then increases and greater stability is achieved. (b) Removal of dissolved gasses Liquid insulation will normally contain dissolved gas in small but significant amounts. Some gases such as Nitrogen and Hydrogen do not appear to upset the electrical properties to a great extent, but oxygen and carbon dioxide can cause the strength to change significantly. Thus it necessary to control the amount of gases present. This is done by distillation and degassing. (c) Removal of ionic impurities Ionic impurities in the liquid (particularly residual water which easily dissociates) leads to abnormal conductivity and heating of the liquid. Water can be removed by drying agents, vacuum drying, and by freezing out in...


When a difference of potential is applied to a pair of electrodes immersed in an insulating liquid, a small conduction current is first observed. If the voltage is raised continuously, at a critical voltage a spark passes between the electrodes. The passage of a spark through a liquid involves the following. (a) Flow of a relatively large quantity of electricity, determined by the characteristics of the circuit, (b) A bright luminous path from electrode to electrode, (c) The evolution of bubbles of gas and the formation of solid products of decomposition (if the liquid is of requisite chemical nature) (d) Formation of small pits on the electrodes, (e) An impulsive pressure through the liquid with an accompanying explosive sound. Tests on highly purified transformer oil show that (a) Breakdown strength has a small but definite dependence on electrode material, (b) Breakdown strength decreases with increase in electrode spacing, (c) Breakdown strength is independent o...


Power systems equipment must withstand not only the rated voltage (Vm), which corresponds to the highest voltage of a particular system, but also over voltages. Accordingly, it is necessary to test high voltages. Equipment during its development stage and prior to commissioning. The magnitude and type of test voltage varies with the rated voltage of a particular apparatus. The standard methods of measurement of high-voltage and the basic techniques for application to all types of apparatus for alternating voltages, direct voltages, switching impulse voltages and lightning impulse voltages are laid down in the relevant national and international standards. Testing with power frequency voltages To assess the ability of the apparatus’s insulation withstand under the system’s power frequency voltage the apparatus is subjected to the 1-minute test under 50 Hz or 60 Hz depending upon the country. The test voltage is set at a level higher than the expected working voltage in order to be a...


• The slow speed salient pole alternators are ventilated by the fan action of the salient poles which provide circulating air. • Cylindrical rotor alternators are usually long, and the problem of air flow requires very special attention. • The cooling medium, air or hydrogen is cooled by passing over pipes through which cooling water is circulated and ventilation of the alternator. • Hydrogen is normally used as cooling medium in all the turbine-driven alternators because hydrogen provides better cooling than air and increases the efficiency and decreases the windage losses. • Liquid cooling is used for the stators of cylindrical rotor generators.


Synchronous machines are principally used as alternating current (AC) generators. They supply the electric power used by all sectors of modern societies: industrial, commercial, agricultural, and domestic. Synchronous generators usually operate together (or in parallel), forming a large power system supplying electrical energy to the loads or consumers. Synchronous generators are built in large units, their rating ranging from tens to hundreds of megawatts. Synchronous generator converts mechanical power to ac electric power. The source of mechanical power, the prime mover, may be a diesel engine, a steam turbine, a water turbine, or any similar device. For high-speed machines, the prime movers are usually steam turbines employing fossil or nuclear energy resources. Low-speed machines are often driven by hydro-turbines that employ water power for generation. Smaller synchronous machines are sometimes used for private generation and as standby units, with diesel engines or gas turbines ...


Fig. (3.6) shows the voltage build up in a series generator. Here R1, R2 etc. represent the total circuit resistance (load resistance and field winding resistance). If the total circuit resistance is R1, then series generator will build up a voltage OL. The line OC is tangent to O.C.C. and represents the critical resistance RC for a series generator. If the total resistance of the circuit is more than RC (say line OD), the generator will fail to build up voltage. Note that Fig. (3.6) is similar to Fig. (3.5) with the following differences: (I) In Fig. (3.5), R1, R2 etc. represent the total field circuit resistance. However, R1, R2 etc. in Fig. (3.6) represent the total circuit resistance (load resistance and series field winding resistance etc.). (II) In Fig (3.5), field current alone is represented along X-axis. However, in Fig. (3.6) load current IL is represented along Y-axis. Note that in a series generator, field current = load current IL.


Voltage build up in a shunt generator depends upon field circuit resistance. If the field circuit resistance is R1 (line OA), then generator will build up a voltage OM as shown in Fig. (3.5). If the field circuit resistance is increased to R2 (tine OB), the generator will build up a voltage OL, slightly less than OM. As the field circuit resistance is increased, the slope of resistance line also increases. When the field resistance line becomes tangent (line OC) to O.C.C., the generator would just excite. If the field circuit resistance is increased beyond this point (say line OD), the generator will fail to excite. The field circuit resistance represented by line OC (tangent to O.C.C.) is called critical field resistance RC for the shunt generator. It may be defined as under: The maximum field circuit resistance (for a given speed) with which the shunt generator would just excite is known as its critical field resistance. It should be noted that shunt generator will build up voltage ...


The following are the three most important characteristics of a dc generator: 1. Open Circuit Characteristic (O.C.C.) This curve shows the relation between the generated emf at no-load (E0) and the field current (If) at constant speed. It is also known as magnetic characteristic or no-load saturation curve. Its shape is practically the same for all generators whether separately or self-excited. The data for O.C.C. curve are obtained experimentally by operating the generator at no load and constant speed and recording the change in terminal voltage as the field current is varied. 2. Internal or Total characteristic (E/Ia) This curve shows the relation between the generated emf on load (E) and the armature current (Ia). The emf E is less than E0 due to the demagnetizing effect of armature reaction. Therefore, this curve will lie below the open circuit characteristic (O.C.C.). The internal characteristic is of interest chiefly to the designer. It cannot be obtained directly by experim...


As in the case of generators motors may also be required to operate in parallel driving a common load. The benefits as well as the problems in both the cases are similar. As the two machines are coupled to a common load the speed of the load is the common parameter in the torque speed plane. The torque shared by each machine depends on the intersection of the torque speed curves. If the torque speed lines are drooping the point of intersection remains reasonably unaltered for small changes in the characteristics due to temperature and excitation effects. However if these curves are flat then great changes occur in torque shared by each machine. The machine with flatter curve shares a larger portion of the torque demand. Thus parallel operation of two shunt motors is considerably more difficult compared to the operation of the same machines as generators. The operation of level compounded generators is much more difficult compared to the same machines working as cumulative compounded mo...


In the case of series operation the motors shafts of the two machines are connected to the same load and also the two armatures are series connected. This forces a common armature current through both the machines and the torques developed by the machines are proportional to the flux in each machine. Series operation of series motors is adopted during starting to improve the energy efficiency. This method is ideally suited for shunt and compound machines with nearly flat torque speed characteristics. Such machines can go through high amount of dynamics without the fear of becoming unstable. This configuration is used in steel mills. Having two smaller machines connected to the shaft is preferred over there in place of one large machine as the moment of inertia of the motors is much reduced, thus improving the dynamics.


The negative charge of the electron is equal, but opposite to, the positive charge of the proton. These charges are referred to as electrostatic charges. In nature, unlike charges (like electrons and protons) attract each other, and like charges repel each other. These facts are known as the First Law of Electrostatics and are sometimes referred to as the law of electrical charges. This law should be remembered because it is one of the vital concepts in electricity. Some atoms can lose electrons and others can gain electrons; thus, it is possible to transfer electrons from one object to another. When this occurs, the equal distribution of negative and positive charges no longer exists. One object will contain an excess of electrons and become negatively charged, and the other will become deficient in electrons and become positively charged. These objects, which can contain billions of atoms, will then follow the same law of electrostatics as the electron and proton example shown above...


A thermionic energy converter is a device consisting of two electrodes placed near one another in a vacuum. One electrode is normally called the cathode, or emitter, and the other is called the anode, or plate. Ordinarily, electrons in the cathode are prevented from escaping from the surface by a potential-energy barrier. When an electron starts to move away from the surface, it induces a corresponding positive charge in the material, which tends to pull it back into the surface. To escape, the electron must somehow acquire enough energy to overcome this energy barrier. At ordinary temperatures, almost none of the electrons can acquire enough energy to escape. However, when the cathode is very hot, the electron energies are greatly increased by thermal motion. At sufficiently high temperatures, a considerable number of electrons are able to escape. The liberation of electrons from a hot surface is called thermionic emission. The electrons that have escaped from the hot cathode form a...


Light is a form of energy and is considered by many scientists to consist of small particles of energy called photons. When the photons in a light beam strike the surface of a material, they release their energy and transfer it to the atomic electrons of the material. This energy transfer may dislodge electrons from their orbits around the surface of the substance. Upon losing electrons, the photosensitive (light sensitive) material becomes positively charged and an electric force is created, as shown in Figure 16. This phenomenon is called the photoelectric effect and has wide applications in electronics, such as photoelectric cells, photovoltaic cells, optical couplers, and television camera tubes. Three uses of the photoelectric effect are described below. Photovoltaic: The light energy in one of two plates that are joined together causes one plate to release electrons to the other. The plates build up opposite charges, like a battery (Figure 16). Photoemission: The photon energy ...


Some materials readily give up their electrons and others readily accept electrons. For example, when two dissimilar metals like copper and zinc are joined together, a transfer of electrons can take place. Electrons will leave the copper atoms and enter the zinc atoms. The zinc gets a surplus of electrons and becomes negatively charged. The copper loses electrons and takes on a positive charge. This creates a voltage potential across the junction of the two metals. The heat energy of normal room temperature is enough to make them release and gain electrons, causing a measurable voltage potential. As more heat energy is applied to the junction, more electrons are released, and the voltage potential becomes greater, as shown in Figure 15. When heat is removed and the junction cools, the charges will dissipate and the voltage potential will decrease. This process is called thermoelectricity. A device like this is generally referred to as a "thermocouple." The thermoelectric volt...


By applying pressure to certain crystals (such as quartz or Rochelle salts) or certain ceramics (like barium titanate), electrons can be driven out of orbit in the direction of the force. Electrons leave one side of the material and accumulate on the other side, building up positive and negative charges on opposite sides, as shown in Figure 14. When the pressure is released, the electrons return to their orbits. Some materials will react to bending pressure, while others will respond to twisting pressure. This generation of voltage is known as the piezoelectric effect. If external wires are connected while pressure and voltage are present, electrons will flow and current will be produced. If the pressure is held constant, the current will flow until the potential difference is equalized. When the force is removed, the material is decompressed and immediately causes an electric force in the opposite direction. The power capacity of these materials is extremely small. However, these mate...


A generator is a machine that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy by using the principle of magnetic induction. Magnetic induction is used to produce a voltage by rotating coils of wire through a stationary magnetic field, as shown in Figure 13, or by rotating a magnetic field through stationary coils of wire. This is one of the most useful and widely employed applications of producing vast quantities of electric power. Magnetic induction will be studied in more detail in the next two chapters "Magnetism," and "Magnetic Circuits."


Atoms with the proper number of electrons in orbit around them are in a neutral state, or have a "zero charge." A body of matter consisting of these atoms will neither attract nor repel other matter that is in its vicinity. If electrons are removed from the atoms in this body of matter, as happens due to friction when one rubs a glass rod with a silk cloth, it will become electrically positive as shown in Figure 12. If this body of matter (e.g., glass rod) comes near, but not in contact with, another body having a normal charge, an electric force is exerted between them because of their unequal charges. The existence of this force is referred to as static electricity or electrostatic force. Example: Have you ever walked across a carpet and received a shock when you touched a metal door knob? Your shoe soles built up a charge by rubbing on the carpet, and this charge was transferred to your body. Your body became positively charged and, when you touched the zero-charged door...


Chemicals can be combined with certain metals to cause a chemical reaction that will transfer electrons to produce electrical energy. This process works on the electrochemistry principle. One example of this principle is the voltaic chemical cell, shown in Figure 11. A chemical reaction produces and maintains opposite charges on two dissimilar metals that serve as the positive and negative terminals. The metals are in contact with an electrolyte solution. Connecting together more than one of these cells will produce a battery. Example: A battery can maintain a potential difference between its positive and negative terminals by chemical action. Various types of cells and batteries will be studied in more detail in Module 4, Batteries.


The density of the atoms in copper wire is such that the valence orbits of the individual atoms overlap, causing the electrons to move easily from one atom to the next. Free electrons can drift from one orbit to another in a random direction. When a potential difference is applied, the direction of their movement is controlled. The strength of the potential difference applied at each end of the wire determines how many electrons change from a random motion to a more directional path through the wire. The movement or flow of these electrons is called electron current flow or just current. To produce current, the electrons must be moved by a potential difference. The symbol for current is (I). The basic measurement for current is the ampere (A). One ampere of current is defined as the movement of one coulomb of charge past any given point of a conductor during one second of time. If a copper wire is placed between two charged objects that have a potential difference, all of the negat...


The basic unit of measure for potential difference is the volt (symbol V), and, because the volt unit is used, potential difference is called voltage. An object’s electrical charge is determined by the number of electrons that the object has gained or lost. Because such a large number of electrons move, a unit called the "coulomb" is used to indicate the charge. One coulomb is equal to 6.28 x 1018 (billion, billion) electrons. For example, if an object gains one coulomb of negative charge, it has gained 6,280,000,000,000,000,000 extra electrons. A volt is defined as a difference of potential causing one coulomb of current to do one joule of work. A volt is also defined as that amount of force required to force one ampere of current through one ohm of resistance. The latter is the definition with which we will be most concerned in this module.


For a basic introduction to sets, Boolean operations, Venn diagrams, truth tables, and Boolean applications, see Boolean logic. For an alternative perspective see Boolean algebras canonically defined. In abstract algebra, a Boolean algebra is an algebraic structure (a collection of elements and operations on them obeying defining axioms) that captures essential properties of both set operations and logic operations. Specifically, it deals with the set operations of intersection, union, complement; and the logic operations of AND, OR, NOT. For example, the logical assertion that a statement a and its negation ¬a cannot both be true.


Power engineering deals with the generation, transmission and distribution of electricity as well as the design of a range of related devices. These include transformers, electric generators, electric motors and power electronics. In many regions of the world, governments maintain an electrical network that connects a variety electric generators together with users of their power. This network is called a power grid. Users purchase electricity from the grid avoiding the costly exercise of having to generate their own. Power engineers may work on the design and maintenance of the power grid as well as the power systems that connect to it. Such systems are called on-grid power systems and may supply the grid with additional power, draw power from the grid or do both. Power engineers may also work on systems that do not connect to the grid. These systems are called off-grid power systems and may be used in preference to on-grid systems for a variety of reasons. For example, in remote loc...


On September 11, 1940 George Stibitz was able to transmit problems using teletype to his Complex Number Calculator in New York and receive the computed results back at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire. This configuration of a centralized computer or mainframe with remote dumb terminals remained popular throughout the 1950s. However it was not until the 1960s that researchers started to investigate packet switching — a technology that would allow chunks of data to be sent to different computers without first passing through a centralized mainframe. A four-node network emerged on December 5, 1969; this network would become ARPANET, which by 1981 would consist of 213 nodes. ARPANET’s development centered on the Request for Comment process and on April 7, 1969, RFC 1 was published. This process is important because ARPANET would eventually merge with other networks to form the Internet and many of the protocols the Internet relies upon today were specified through this process. In Septem...


In 1832, James Lindsay gave a classroom demonstration of wireless telegraphy to his students. By 1854 he was able to demonstrate a transmission across the Firth of Tay from Dundee to Woodhaven, a distance of two miles, using water as the transmission medium. In December 1901, Guglielmo Marconi established wireless communication between Britain and the United States earning him the Nobel Prize in physics in 1909 (which he shared with Karl Braun). On March 25, 1925, John Logie Baird was able to demonstrate the transmission of moving pictures at the London department store Selfridges. Baird’s device relied upon the Nipkow disk and thus became known as the mechanical television. It formed the basis of experimental broadcasts done by the British Broadcasting Corporation beginning September 30, 1929. However for most of the twentieth century televisions depended upon the cathode ray tube invented by Karl Braun. The first version of such a television to show promise was produced by Philo Far...


The first commercial electrical telegraph was constructed by Sir Charles Wheatstone and Sir William Fothergill Cooke and opened on 9 April 1839. Both Wheatstone and Cooke viewed their device as “an improvement to the [existing] electromagnetic telegraph” not as a new device. On the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, Samuel Morse independently developed a version of the electrical telegraph that he unsuccessfully demonstrated on 2 September 1837. Soon after he was joined by Alfred Vail who developed the register — a telegraph terminal that integrated a logging device for recording messages to paper tape. This was demonstrated successfully on 6 January 1838. The first transatlantic telegraph cable was successfully completed on 27 July 1866, allowing transatlantic telecommunication for the first time. The conventional telephone was invented by Alexander Bell in 1876. Although in 1849 Antonio Meucci invented a device that allowed the electrical transmission of voice over a line. Meucci’s de...


Telecommunication is the transmission of signals over a distance for the purpose of communication. In modern times, this process almost always involves the sending of electromagnetic waves by electronic transmitters but in earlier years it may have involved the use of smoke signals, drums or semaphore. Today, telecommunication is widespread and devices that assist the process such as the television, radio and telephone are common in many parts of the world. There is also a vast array of networks that connect these devices, including computer networks, public telephone networks, radio networks and television networks. Computer communication across the Internet, such as e-mail and instant messaging, is just one of many examples of telecommunication. Telecommunication systems are generally designed by telecommunication engineers. Major contributors to the field of telecommunications include Alexander Bell who invented the telephone (as we know it), John Logie Baird who invented the me...


Electric energy is produced at electric power generating stations and transported over high-voltage transmission lines to utilization points. The trend toward using higher voltages is motivated by the increased line capacity while reducing line losses per unit of power transmitted. The reduction in losses is significant and is an important aspect of energy conservation. Better use of land is a benefit of the larger transmission capacity of the lines.


Circuit analysis refers to characterizing the current flowing through and voltage across every circuit element within a given circuit. Some general rules apply when analyzing any circuit with any number of elements. However, before discussing this rules, we need to define other terms that are commonly used in circuit analysis literature: a node and a branch. A node is the connecting point of two (or more) elements of a circuit. A branch represents a circuit element that is located between any two nodes in a circuit. Russian scientist Gustav Robert Kirchhoff (1824–1887) introduced the two laws that now bear his name. These laws allow the calculation of currents and voltages in electric circuits with multiple loops using simple algebraic equations. Kirchhoff’s current law (KCL) states that the net current entering a node in a circuit is zero. Some currents enter into a node and some leave the node. Thus, based on this law, the sum of the currents entering a node is equal to the s...


As a practicing engineer, you will work on projects that require a wide range of different engineers and engineering disciplines. Communication among those engineers will be vital to the successful completion of the project. You will be in a better position to communicate with the engineers working on electrical systems of all sorts if you have a basic background in EE. Certainly through this course alone you will not be able to design complicated electrical systems, but you will be able to get a feel of how the system works and be better able to discuss the implications of areas where the non-EE system you are designing and the electrical system overlap. For example, mechanical engineers often design packages for electronic systems where heat dissipation due to electronic components can be a major problem. In this instance, the non-EE engineer should be able to help the EE with component placement for optimum heat dissipation. In short, no engineer works in isolation and the more you ...


Degradation of insulating materials due to Degradation in surface quality (pollution). Excessive temperature. Partial discharge in the vacuoles (micro pockets) inside the insulating materials. Accidental reduction in electrical insulation (presence of animals, tree branches, tools left by carelessness on a bus bar, etc.). Destruction due to external causes (hit by a shovel, etc.). Over voltages causing a breakdown in equipment insulation (switching surges or lightning strike).



Short-circuits can be defined according to three main characteristics: – Their origin: They may be mechanical: breakdown of conductors or accidental electrical connection between two conductors via a foreign body such as a tool or animal. They may be electrical: following the degradation of the insulation between phases, or between phase and frame or earth, or resulting from internal over voltages (switching surges) or atmospheric overvoltage (stroke of lightning). They may be due to an operating error: earthling of a phase, connection between two different voltage supplies or different phases or closing of a switching device by mistake. – Their location: The short-circuit may be generated inside equipment (cable, motor, transformer, switchboard, etc.) and it generally leads to deterioration. The short circuit may be generated outside equipment (cable, motor, transformer, switchboard, etc.). The consequences are limited to disturbances which may, in the course of time, lead to deterior...


In the motoring operation the d.c. machine is made to work from a d.c. source and absorb electrical power. This power is converted into the mechanical form. This is briefly discussed here. If the armature of the d.c. machine which is at rest is connected to a dc source then, a current flows into the armature conductors. If the field is already excited then these current carrying conductors experience a force as per the law of interaction discussed above and the armature experiences a torque. If the restraining torque could be neglected the armature starts rotating in the direction of the force. The conductors now move under the field and cut the magnetic flux and hence an induced emf appears in them. The polarity of the induced emf is such as to oppose the cause of the current which in the present case is the applied voltage. Thus a ’back emf’ appears and tries to reduce the current. As the induced emf and the current act in opposing sense the machine acts like a sink to the electrical...


In the case of a hetero-polar generator the induced emf in a conductor goes through a cyclic change in voltage as it passes under north and south pole polarity alternately. The induced emf in the conductor therefore is not a constant but alternates in magnitude. For a constant velocity of sweep the induced emf is directly proportional to the flux density under which it is moving. If the flux density variation is sinusoidal in space, then a sine wave voltage is generated. This principle is used in the a.c generators. In the case of dc generators our aim is to get a steady d.c. voltage at the terminals of the winding and not the shape of the emf in the conductors. This is achieved by employing an external element, which is called a commutator, with the winding. Fig. 5 shows an elementary hetero-polar, 2-pole machine and one-coil arma- ture. The ends of the coil are connected to a split ring which acts like a commutator. As the polarity of the induced voltages changes the connectio...


Homopolar generators Even though the magnetic poles occur in pairs, in a homopolar generator the conductors are arranged in such a manner that they always move under one polarity. Either North Pole or South Pole could be used for this purpose. Since the conductor encounters the magnetic flux of the same polarity everywhere it is called a homopolar generator. A cylindrically symmetric geometry is chosen. The conductor can be situated on the surface of the rotor with one slip-ring at each end of the conductor. A simple structure where there is only one cylindrical conductor with ring brushes situated at the ends is shown in Fig. 4. The excitation coil produces a field which enters the inner member from outside all along the periphery. The conductor thus sees only one pole polarity or the flux directed in one sense. A steady voltage now appears across the brushes at any given speed of rotation. The polarity of the induced voltage can be reversed by reversing either the excitation or the...


D.C. machines are the electro mechanical energy converters which work from a d.c. Source and generate mechanical power or convert mechanical power into a d.c. power. These machines can be broadly classified into two types, on the basis of their magnetic structure. They are, 1. Homopolar machines 2. Heteropolar machines.