In this type of regulator, exciter field rheostat is varied
continuously or in small steps instead of being first completely cut in and
then completely cut out as in Tirril regulator. For this purpose, a regulating resistance
is connected in series with the field circuit of the exciter. Fluctuations in
the alternator voltage are detected by a control device which actuates a motor.
The motor drives the regulating rheostat and cuts out or cuts in some
resistance from the rheostat, thus changing the exciter and hence the
alternator voltage.
Figure 1 shows the schematic diagram of a Brown Boveri
voltage regulator. It also works on the “overshooting the mark principle” and
has the following four important parts:
(II) MECHANICAL CONTROL TORQUE: The electric torque produced by the current in the split phase winding is opposed by a combination of two springs (main spring and auxiliary spring) which produce a constant mechanical torque irrespective of the position of the drum. Under steady deflected state, mechanical torque is equal and opposite of the electric torque.
(III) OPERATING SYSTEM: It consists of a field rheostat with contact device. The rheostat consists of a pair of resistance elements connected to the stationary contact blocks CB. These two resistance sectors R are connected in series with each other and then in series with the field circuit of the exciter. On the inside surface of the contact blocks roll the contact sectors CS. When the terminal voltage of the alternator changes, the electric torque acts on the drum. This causes the contact sectors to roll over the contact blocks, cutting in or cutting out rheostat resistance in the exciter field circuit.
(IV) DAMPING TORQUE: The regulator is made stable by damping mechanism which consists of an aluminum disc O rotating between two permanent magnets m. The disc is geared to the rack of an aluminum sector P and is fastened to the aluminum drum C by means of a flexible spring S acting as the recall spring. If there is a change in the alternator voltage, the eddy currents induced in the disc O produce the necessary damping torque to resist quick response of the moving system.
Suppose that resistances U and U’ are so adjusted that terminal voltage of the alternator is normal at position 1. In this position, the electrical torque is counterbalanced by the mechanical torque and the moving system is in equilibrium. It is assumed that electrical torque rotates the shaft in a clockwise direction.Now imagine that the terminal voltage of the alternator rises due to decrease in load on the supply system. The increase in the alternator voltage will cause an increase in electrical torque which becomes greater than the mechanical torque. This causes the drum to rotate in clockwise direction, say to position 3. As a result, more resistance is inserted in the exciter circuit, thereby decreasing the field current and hence the terminal voltage of the alternator. Meanwhile, the recall spring S is tightened and provides a counter torque forcing the contact roller back to position 2 which is the equilibrium position. The damping system prevents the oscillations of the system about the equilibrium position.