Photovoltaic are solar cells that produce electricity directly from sunlight. The solar cells are made of thin layers of material, usually silicon. The layers, after treatment with special compounds, have either too many or too few electrons. When light strikes a sandwich of the different layers, electrons start flowing and electric current results.
Photovoltaic are used throughout the nation and elsewhere to operate appliances, provide lighting, and to power navigation and communication aids. Photovoltaic panels provide power for equipment in space ships and satellites. PV cells supply power needed to operate many kinds of consumer products such as calculators and watches. Photovoltaic systems provide electricity to remote villages, residences, medical centers, and other isolated sites where the cost of photovoltaic equipment is less than the expense of extending utility power lines or using diesel-generated electricity.
Photovoltaic are used throughout the nation and elsewhere to operate appliances, provide lighting, and to power navigation and communication aids. Photovoltaic panels provide power for equipment in space ships and satellites. PV cells supply power needed to operate many kinds of consumer products such as calculators and watches. Photovoltaic systems provide electricity to remote villages, residences, medical centers, and other isolated sites where the cost of photovoltaic equipment is less than the expense of extending utility power lines or using diesel-generated electricity.