Voltage build up in a shunt generator depends upon field circuit resistance. If the field circuit resistance is R1 (line OA), then generator will build up a voltage OM as shown in Fig. (3.5). If the field circuit resistance is increased to R2 (tine OB), the generator will build up a voltage OL, slightly less than OM. As the field circuit resistance is increased, the slope of resistance line also increases. When the field resistance line becomes tangent (line OC) to O.C.C., the generator would just excite. If the field circuit resistance is increased beyond this point (say line OD), the generator will fail to excite. The field circuit resistance represented by line OC (tangent to O.C.C.) is called critical field resistance RC for the shunt generator. It may be defined as under:
The maximum field circuit resistance (for a given speed) with which the shunt generator would just excite is known as its critical field resistance.
It should be noted that shunt generator will build up voltage only if field circuit resistance is less than critical field resistance.
The maximum field circuit resistance (for a given speed) with which the shunt generator would just excite is known as its critical field resistance.
It should be noted that shunt generator will build up voltage only if field circuit resistance is less than critical field resistance.