Equipments are designed for operation at a fixed frequency called fundamental frequency.Harmonics are waveforms of the frequencies which are integral multiples of fundamental frequency. As per the calculations of the harmonics they are defined in the odd and even harmonics. However odd harmonics are important to know. Odd harmonics are defined as below:

If Fundamental Frequency is 50Hz, then

3rd Harmonic = 3 x 50Hz =150Hz,

5th Harmonic = 5 x 50Hz =250Hz and

7th harmonics= 7 x 50Hz = 350Hz.

Harmonics are cause by non-linear loads and in which current is not comparative to the applied voltage. Electronic devices are major source of harmonics. With a non-linear load, no one can easily forecast the link among voltage and current but for it you have an exact for each device.

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