a) Power factor correction capacitors are generally installed in industrial plants and commercial buildings. Fluorescent lighting used in these facilities also normally has capacitors fitted internally to improve the individual light fittings own power factor. The harmonic currents can interact with these capacitances and system inductances, and occasionally excite parallel resonance which can over heat, disrupt and/or damage the plant and equipment.

b) Power cables carrying harmonic loads act to introduce EMI (electromagnetic interference) in adjacent signal or control cables via conducted and radiated emissions. This “EMI noise” has a detrimental effect on telephones, televisions, radios, computers, control systems and other types of equipment. Correct procedures with regard to grounding and segregation within enclosures and in external wiring systems must be adopted to minimize EMI.

c) Any telemetry, protection or other equipment which relies on conventional measurement techniques or the heating effect of current will not operate correctly in the presence of nonlinear loads. The consequences of under measure can be significant; overloaded cables may go undetected with the risk of catching fire. Bus-bars and cables may prematurely age. Fuses and circuit breakers will not offer the expected level of protection. It is therefore important that only instruments based on true RMS techniques be used on power systems supplying nonlinear loads.

d) At the installations where power conductors carrying nonlinear loads and internal telephone signal cable are run in parallel, it is likely that voltages will be induced in the telephone cables. The frequency range, 540 Hz to 1200 Hz (9th harmonic to 20th harmonic at 60 Hz fundamental) can be troublesome.

e) There is also the possibility of both conducted and radiated interference above normal harmonic frequencies with telephone systems and other equipment due to variable speed drives and other nonlinear loads, especially at high carrier frequencies. EMI filters at the inputs may have to be installed on drives and other equipment to minimize the possibility of inference.

f) Conventional meters are normally designed to read sinusoidal-based quantities. Nonlinear voltages and currents impressed on these types of meters introduce errors into the measurement circuits which result in false readings.

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